Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Na,Na Rain You Can't get Me, Mystery of the Four Spots & the Shiny Rivet

I drove 261 miles today. I left La Crosse under very dark skies. I got on 90E and tried to put some miles under me before the rain came. They were predicting severe thunderstorms with hail and about 1 to 4 inches of rain. I drove and it got warmer. I finally had to take off the rain gear at a Dairy Queen. I've got to tell you I am mystified as to who trains the youth of today to work in establishments where a friendly greeting and a Thank You goes a long way towards repeat business. It's almost like your bothering some of these kids. Heaven forbid you make them actually work. I guess alot of that can be attributed to the poor job parents do teaching their kids proper manners too. I kept going making good time & decided to go onto Kenosha WI to Uke's Harley dealer to get my oil changed. I could hear the t-shirt snickering "Wimpy bike I haven't had to freshen up yet"). I did catch about 10 drops of rain, but nothing approximating a shower. I then headed back roads to Antioch IL where my brother lives. The one that took a job rather than come on the trip with me. When my brother got home we went out to Ruggan's Bar with his girlfriend & roommate to have a few beers & tapas. The night turned out beautiful & I'm still dry. Everyone looks at the back of my hands & sees 4 round tan spots. They come from the fingerless gloves my brother gave me. It's my tan lines from the 4 holes in each glove. Finally my left hiking boot has one shiny rivet on it because that is where the shift for my bike comes in contact with my boot when shifting gears.

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